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Display Energy Certificates

Display Energy Certificates were introduced by the British Government in response to the EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. DECs are designed to promote the improvement of the energy performance of public body buildings. They are based upon actual energy usage of a building and increase transparency about the energy efficiency of the buildings.


Where the building has a total useful floor area of more than 1,000m², the DEC is valid for 12 months and the accompanying Advisory Report is valid for seven years.


Where the building has a total useful floor area of between 250m² and 999m², the DEC and Advisory Report are valid for 10 years.


The Advisory Report is designed to help building owners, occupiers to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings in order that future DECs reflect a better rating.


DECs and ARs must be undertaken by an accredited energy assessor using Government approved software, as is performed by ESOS-Energy. The penalty for failing to display a DEC where required is £500 and the penalty for not having an Advisory Report available is £1,000.

  • All public buildings over 250m² require a DEC and AR

  • Based on actual energy bills

  • Produced by in-house accredited staff

  • Further information

DEC Certificate

What is 'ESOS'?

The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is a mandatory energy assessment and energy saving identification scheme for large undertakings (and their corporate groups). The scheme applies throughout the UK.

You are likely to be in scope of ESOS if, on the qualification date (31 December 2022 for the third phase of ESOS), you are:


1. An undertaking which has 250 or more employees


2. An undertaking which has fewer than 250 employees, but has:

o an annual turnover exceeding £38m and

o a balance sheet exceeding £33m


3. Part of a corporate group which includes an undertaking which meets criteria (1) or (2) above

Complying with

What if I am an SME or public body?

Although SMEs or public sector bodies are not required to participate in ESOS, they could still benefit from voluntarily meeting the ESOS requirements. ESOS provides a framework you may wish to use to help you identify energy efficiency opportunities, e.g. you may wish to use a qualified ESOS Lead Assessor to undertake energy audits of your operations. 

Measure  >  Conduct  >  Report


1. Measure your total energy consumption

Companies must measure their total energy consumption across their buildings, transport and industrial activities.


2. Conduct energy audits to identify cost-effective energy efficiency recommendations

Companies must ensure that at least 90% of total energy consumption is subject to an ESOS compliant energy audit, a Display Energy Certificate, a Green Deal Assessment or a certified ISO 50001 Energy Management System during each phase of the scheme reporting.


3. Report compliance to the Environment Agency (as the scheme administrator)

By 5 December 2023, Companies must notify the Environment Agency (as the scheme administrator) that they have complied with the scheme.

Prior to notifying the Environment Agency, Companies must ensure that ESOS Assessments have been reviewed by a Board-level Director and approved by an ESOS Lead Assessor.

Participants are not required to implement energy efficiency recommendations identified by their ESOS Assessments. However, they will only achieve the financial benefits that arise from avoiding energy waste if they do implement cost-effective recommendations identified.


Passive Fire Protection works and Fire Risk Assessments

We can provide the Fire Risk Assessments for our clients as well and carrying out any subsequent remedial works, or works highlighted previously they haven’t yet addressed. 

ESOS Energy offer professional Fire Compartment Defect Surveys. 


ESOS Energy assessors are members of the Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP).  The complimentary assessments are provided on a limited time & volume basis - and help to meet legal requirements under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.


Fire Compartments divide buildings into separate and manageable areas, in order to provide adequate time to escape in the event of a fire and prevent the spread of smoke.  Over time, Fire Compartments can become compromised therefore it is essential to carry out professional inspections of your Fire Compartmentalization to protect yourself from serious risk.

The Fire Compartment Defect Survey is different from a basic Fire Risk Assessment and specifically reviews the fire separation throughout a building.  A standard complimentary survey covers:

  • Inspection of the condition of existing fire compartments & identification of damage

  • Inspection of fire seals, fire rated materials and installations

  • Inspection of the condition and effectiveness of the sealing of walls & soffits

  • Inspection of unprotected structural steelwork within fire compartments

  • Inspection of fire dampers within ducts passing through designated fire compartments

  • Inspection of the materials used in any dry lined walls

ESOS Energy will provide schedule of the defects encountered during the survey, alongside a proposal to rectify the defects for your reference and consideration.  ESOS Energy’s assessors are accredited with the Building Research Establishment (BRE) under the Loss Prevention Standard 1531.  This accreditation demonstrates competency and allows our installers to issue a certificate of conformity for installed works giving you the reassurance that our installers are appropriately trained & that the fire protection products are suitable for their application & installed correctly.


Water Audit Services List

ESOS-Energy carry out a range of water safety inspections and typical audits and services will cover the information below:

Bill Analysis

  • Extract the information from the billing data

  • Profile the sites usage against average usage to estimate if there are potential issues on site

  • Inspect tariffs and fixed charges for potential savings

  • Staffing levels and other water usage other than domestic would be most helpful. Data catch sheet will be provided

Meter Analysis

  • Record usage, short and long term

  • Identify if a pulsed outlet is available for data logger fit to enable automatic meter reading (AMR)

  • Size and serial number check against water company annual charges

  • Profile against historical reads from bills

  • Identify annual cost savings for downsize if site can cope with reduced maximum demand

Water Audit

  • Inspect all water outlets throughout the building

  • Identify reduction of tap flows and recommend replacement where necessary

  • Best practice advice to kitchen staff

  • Identify if urinal cisterns are controlled

  • Inspect WC for dual flush and overflows

  • Identify and inspect tanks for overflow and condition

  • Identify and inspect water softeners, advise on installation

  • Identify if your meter feeds other properties

  • Identify non-returns for waste allowances

  • Identify evaporative loss potential

Initial Leak Analysis

  • Isolate valves and observe meter volume reaction

  • Pinpoint specific problem areas

  • Understand the leakage history of the site

  • Listen for leakage noise using sensitive ground microphones


  • Flag up concerns during the initial water audit and ask if a risk assessment has been completed

  • Full risk assessment required by law

  • A chargeable survey and report would advise the actions required, examples; non-return valves; flushing regimes of unused water outlets; dead leg removal; temp of hot and cold water at outlets; thermal mixing valve service and of course evaluation of legionella.

  • Water samples taken and sent to the lab for analysis (chargeable).


Trade Effluent (TE)

  • Inspect the TE charges if applicable and advise on improving, for example sampling areas, pre-filter before the sample through to building of on-site waste treatment plants.

  • Feasibility study to move over to TE charges should the waste being discharged be clean there is good potential for savings (chargeable).


Relay or New Water Supply

  • Often fixing a leak then finds the next weak point and a relay of the water supply is the most cost effective route

  • Advise on relaying a new supply should the excavated supply pipe be of concern for medium term maintenance and further leaks. Once the pipe is exposed during the excavation we can show its condition and offer advice, we can send a section to the lab for analysis of its life expectancy

  • Advice on connections used, often we see poor workmanship with weeping joints that open over time or some circumstances the technology has moved on and in the past they even glued joints that deteriorates over time

  • New connections and new supplies from existing private networks



Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology

What is BREEAM?

First Launched in 1990 BREEAM is now regarded as the world’s leading holistic sustainability assessment methodology, operational in 78 different countries. Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology, or BREEAM, aims to evaluate the procurement, design, construction and operation of a development against a strict criterion based on performance benchmarks.

Aims of BREEAM:

  • To mitigate the life cycle impacts of buildings on the environment

  • To enable buildings to be recognised according to their environmental benefits

  • To provide a credible environmental label for buildings

  • To stimulate demand for sustainable buildings


Objectives of BREEAM:

  • To provide market recognition of buildings with a low environmental impact

  • To ensure best environmental practice is incorporated in building planning, design, construction and operation.

  • To define a robust, cost-effective performance standard surpassing that required by regulations.

  • To challenge the market to provide innovative, cost effective solutions that minimise the environmental impact of buildings.

  • To raise the awareness amongst owners, occupants, designers and operators of the benefits of buildings with a reduced life cycle impact on the environment.

  • To allow organisations to demonstrate progress towards corporate environmental objectives.


The assessment considers a range of 9 categories including Energy, Water, Ecology and even the Health and Wellbeing of the developments future occupants. Each category is assessed based on credits for achieving specific targets, where the projects overall credit score determines its rating of; Pass, Good, Very Good, Excellent or Outstanding.

BREEAM is an integrated approach to achieving a sustainable built environment where it’s involvement with a projects design stage is essential. This enables us to make suggestions of the developments design and how slight alterations could help achieve a higher BREEAM rating through our BREEAM AP service.

Did you know?

Research by the BRE has found that typically developers invest up to 2% more when targeting higher BREEAM ratings, and recover the investment in two – five years through savings in energy and water bills.

How can we help you?

Our experienced team with over ten years’ experience within the environmental and sustainability industry, aim to make these assessments as simple as possible for you. We provide a pre-assessment and tracker which will enable us to keep track of the targeted and achieved credits throughout the project. There is also design stage meetings involved within our assessments to act as the developments sustainability champion using or experience to advise you on making the most of your project, and achieving your sustainability goals.  We provide a holistic approach to facilitating sustainable solutions to assist with your BREEAM assessment.

SECR came into action April 2019, requiring affected companies to report their annual emissions and an intensity ratio in their Directors’ Report section of their annual company accounts filed at Companies House

Qualification dates coincide with financial years  - ie if the company financial year ends on the 1st November 2021 they won’t need to comply until 1st November 2022.


Qualification Criteria is

  • 250 Employees or more

  • Balance Sheet 18M or more

  • Turnover 36M or more


To qualify they have to hit 2 of the 3 above, so it is slightly different to ESOS. It is also very much a desktop exercise, so no site surveys.


The legislation affects:

  • Quoted companies;

  • Large and medium unquoted companies;

  • Large Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP)


We can plan SECR along your ESOS requirements.


Please get in touch for more details

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting


Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)

PAT is the legally required testing of each portable electrical appliance in a premises,

ESOS Energy is a leading expert in risk assessment and Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) – specialised processes which ensure that electrical appliances comply fully with UK legislation and where necessary, are tested and certified.


Through our fast, efficient and cost-effective risk assessment and portable appliance testing (PAT), we gives businesses total peace of mind, knowing they have taken the right steps to ensure equipment is safe for use – both on and off site. The process is recognised by the insurance industry and without up to date risk assessments or test certificates, your insurance could be invalidated.

Health & Safety

The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 and the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 require all electrical equipment used in, or associated with, places of work to be assessed on a regular basis by a competent person.

Fixed Wire Testing (FWT)

Five yearly fixed-wire testing is a legal procedure for organisations to ensure that all electrical equipment is safe for employee use.

The process of completing periodic testing usually means all electrical testing is done on a site every five years, testing all electrical installations for efficiency and flagging up any dangers that should be rectified. Instead of this, many firms now also opt to complete fixed wire testing in instances of 20% over the five yearly period, bringing in contractors to assess the building systematically over the next half-decade.

This new approach to fixed wire testing comes as a result of recent amendments to the IEE's wiring regulations, which states that electrical installations should not be left for five years as was previously the case.  Instead the procedure generally involves completing an annual visual check of electrical installations for damage that may have happened over the year, while the aforementioned 20% physical check is also adopted by many organisations as well.

In addition to the regulations set by the IET, it is also important to consider the type of environment that requires the testing. Certain public areas that raise a massive hazard if electrical appliances aren’t working correctly such as swimming pools must be tested much more frequently than other areas, so it is always worth researching which environment needs the testing and how soon it should be completed.

It’s also worth noting that the qualified professional carrying out the tests can do the following:

  • Flag up any dangerous installations for repairs

  • Decrease/increase the amount of time before the next inspection based on findings


Any testing done on site must be done by a qualified professional, but the frequency and amount of testing completed is ultimately up to the organisation carrying out the testing.


Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
and 2018 minimum standards

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rates how energy efficient a building is using grades from A to G (with ‘A’ the most efficient grade). A qualified surveyor calculates the energy usage and waste with respect to the space available, which is benchmarked to identify the grade.

Non- domestic buildings must have an EPC if:

  • sold or have space available for rent or is a building under construction and newly completed

  • utilised by the public

  • the total useful floor area is over 500 square meters

EPC Costs:

The cost of an EPC will depend on the size and complexity of the building being assessed. All EPCs are valid for 10 years. ESOS Energy are qualified to carry out EPC surveys and will advise on any remedial or enhancement works to attain energy efficiency.

2018 Minimum EPC ratings

The MEES regulations have made it unlawful since April 2018 to let buildings which do not have a minimum Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of ‘E’. As poor energy performance is not limited to old or obsolete buildings, MEES has had significant impacts for a number of landlords, tenants, and property advisors. Landlords need to take action now to avoid higher compliance costs and protect revenues from their properties.

The implications of MEES will include:

  • making it impossible to market some properties unless they are upgraded

  • the valuation of such properties will be affected - with associated implications for secured lending

  • rent reviews on ‘F’ and ‘G’ rated properties will be affected


TM44- Air Condition Inspection

The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) requires that all air conditioning systems with an effective rated output of more than 12 kW must be inspected every 5 years by an energy assessor.  Building managers have a statutory obligation to ensure these air conditioning inspections are undertaken – or risk a Penalty Charge Notice.


ESOS Energy can undertake your compliance inspection and provide useful recommendations for the efficient operation and maintenance of your air conditioning system.  The purpose of the inspection and the report is to ensure that building managers are provided with information regarding the effectiveness of the system that they control, as well as advice on how the energy efficiency of these systems can be improved.

Our qualified assessor will examine the refrigeration, air movement and controls of the system - and also review maintenance reports to help us to better understand the system.  We will then suggest whether your system is suitably sized for operational requirement, cooling loads and treated spaces and provide you with recommendations where the performance of the system might be enhanced.


Our reports contain advice with simple low or no cost measures and also guidance for the ongoing management of the systems.  You don’t have to follow the recommendations, but you may save money if you do so.



What does a TM44 inspection cover?


  • the current efficiency of your equipment

  • suggestions for improving the efficiency of your equipment

  • any faults and suggested actions

  • how to reduce your air conditioning use


What happens if I don't comply?


Failing to have your air-conditioning system inspected or failing to have a copy of the inspection report will result in enforcement action and the issue of a Penalty Charge Notice.



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